Stillness in the Frenzy



          Admittedly, this post will be a bit more “bloggy” than usual. However, it is nonetheless representative of what the Lord has been reminding me of for the past few weeks. One verse whose truth has been permeating my mind for a while now is Psalm 46:10, which states, “Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!”

          How often are we not “still”? How often are we caught up in work, school, relationships, hobbies, or whatever it is that may occupy our time? It is so easy to focus on what we think we need to accomplish, what we think is important to us, that we lose sight of some of the grand truths and promises that God has made to us in His Word. Psalm 46 is one of those sections of Scripture whose comfort and encouragement can get lost in our business. The message of the Psalm is how God is a refuge and strength for His people; consequently, we can have courage and peace in trusting Him. Yet, so often we fail to hold on to promises like this. We get exasperated and discouraged trying to keep up with all our other priorities that we fail to “Be still” and remember that He is God.

          My friends, we must strive to “Be still” more often. In the business of life, what we need isn’t more time for our perceived priorities. What we need is to take a step back and remind ourselves of who God is. We must remember that He is God, He is in control of all things, all things work together for His glory, and we’re on this earth to serve Him. We must remember that in 10,000 years all that’s going to matter about our lives is how we served and glorified God. So yes, let us pursue the responsibilities and opportunities that the Lord has given us to the best of our ability; but let us always strive to keep them in their proper place in our priority list. I love the phrases that follow in the Psalm. After we’re told to “Be still, and know that [He is] God”, we’re encouraged by the truths that “[He] will be exalted among the nations, [He] will be exalted in the earth!” How amazing is that! I encourage you, take time to be still in your life. Reflect on your God given purpose while on earth. Always draw near to God, draw near to Christ, and we can have immense joy even if our plans are falling apart. If our highest confidence and joy is in Christ, no amount of disappointment in this life can take our joy away from us. I love the words of the old hymn, “Turn your eyes upon Jesus, Look full in His wonderful face, And the things of earth will grow strangely dim, In the light of His glory and grace.”