Recommended Books

On Biblical Theology:

God's Big Picture - One of the best introductory Biblical-theologies I've read. It ties the Christ-centeredness of Scripture to one of its prominent storylines.

The Goldsworthy Trilogy - A classic in the field of Biblical Theology. Gospel & Wisdom and The Gospel in Revelation are refreshingly insightful. 

Biblical Theology - Vos takes the methodology of Biblical Theology and applies it to a variety of Biblical topics and concepts. 

A New Testament Biblical Theology - Though I don't entirely agree with the proposed central storyline of Scripture; this magnum opus will serve to greatly refine the redemptive-historical lenses with which one looks at Scripture.

Walking with Jesus through His Word - This book takes many key hermeneutical principles and conclusion from Him We Proclaim and gears it towards a more lay audience. 

The Unfolding Mystery - Another classic which shows how many Old Testament stories and events point us to Christ.

How Jesus Transforms the Ten Commandments - A short but sweet book discussing the transformation of the Ten Commandments in light of Jesus.

Kingdom through Covenant: A Biblical-Theological Understanding of the Covenants - Though I don't fully agree with the main meta-narrative presented, this book has one of the best discussions on Biblical covenants available. It attempts to integrate the theme of covenant with the theme of kingdom. Based on my reading of the full version, I would recommend picking up the abridged version. 

New Testament Theology: Magnifying God in Christ - This wonderful work looks at the centrality of the person and work of Christ in the New Testament. 

On Preaching:

Him We Proclaim - One of the best homiletical books I've read. I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in preaching, teaching, or just faithful exposition of God's Word. 

Preaching - A great introductory book on the subject of preaching. 

Preaching the Whole Bible as Christian Scripture - A great book from a respected Biblical-theologian. 

Spirit Empowered Preaching - This book addresses a less focused on aspect of preaching: the role of the Holy Spirit.